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Work With Me

Christonya - Work With MeCongratulation on seeking to heal.  I am pleased to share some tools that have helped me experience peace and joy regardless of my situation  or circumstances. Healing is not a destination. It is a journey indeed! Below are a few ways to access tools that may help you discover restoration, healing, and joy.

Search my blog. I have organized my blog into three primary categories: Celebrate Recovery Step Study, Essential Oils, and Serving Others. I have written over fifty posts featuring CR Step Study lessons, the use of therapeutic-grade essential oils, and serving others, all of which were tools that aided my healing. To find your topic of interest use the search box titled “Search My Blog” to the right of this page.

Subscribe to my updates. I currently publish two to three new blog posts each month. I write about victory over adversity, restoration, healing, and joy. I cover personal and spiritual growth, how to navigate the recovery process and freedom from bad life choices. By subscribing, you will get my latest posts delivered straight to your inbox.  Simply enter your email address under “Subscribe Here” to the right of this page. To dig deeper into the CR step study process, join me as I share my personal experience via podcast.

Book me to speak. I have been speaking publicly off and on for the last fifteen years. I have spoken at business conferences, industry trade shows, churches, and small groups.  My current speaking topics are focused on helping hurting people who want to heal. Below are a few of my current topics that can be delivered to any size of group and be adjusted from 30 to 60 minutes in length.


Behind The Lipstick – Today many individuals face overwhelming adversity and simply choose to give up. In this presentation, I share how the girl behind the lipstick overcame molestation, half a decade of domestic violence, three generations of twenty-nine divorces, a codependent relationship of seven years, and financial ruin. I share how by embracing God’s grace I was able to claim victory over what plagued my life.




Suck It Up Buttercup – In today’s self-help-crazed culture a common message is “If it is to be, it is up to me”, while many others are oppressed by social status or dominant people in their lives. In this presentation I explain how to reject the idea of getting your value from things of this world.  I show people how to say no to both independence and codependence and instead embrace an interdependent relationship with God. For those who do the benefits and rewards of healthy relationships are profound.



Grace vs. Guilt – When individuals grow up in toxic and abusive environments, it is common for them to develop coping skills that result in unhealthy and self-sabotaging behaviors. In this presentation, I share how what man meant for evil, God redeemed in complete victory. This presentation reveals a step-by-step process for how to achieve restoration and healing. This beautiful process of life transformation follows the Celebrate Recovery testimony guidelines and is twenty minutes in length.



The Nose Knows – We live in an overmedicated society with drugs treating only symptoms, not the cause of the illness. As a Certified Aromatherapist, I teach how to select, properly use, and experience the rewarding benefits of therapeutic-grade essential oils. In addition to learning explaining some of the science behind essential oils, I will also reveal the role these precious oils played in the Bible.  This presentation features essential oil blend demonstrations, including but not limited to Clarity, Forgiveness, Joy, PanAway, and Thieves.


If you would like to learn more about booking me to speak, please email me from the Connect page.
