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Essential Oils

The Healing Power of Essential Oils

In 1994, I suffered from debilitating migraines.  After several years of failed attempts to treat them with western medicine, I finally found relief in a 5-milliliter bottle of therapeutic-grade essential oil.  Over the years essential oils have aided my physical ailments, provided emotional relief, equipment me with mental clarity, and spiritual awareness.  They have improved the quality of my health to such a degree I became a Certified Aromatherapist in 2006.

Essential oils have been used for centuries by priests, physicians, and moms all with one goal in mind, to enhance health and well-being.  These oils are concentrated, natural, aromatic liquids that are extracted from shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes, and seeds.

There Are 3 Basic Ways To Use Essential Oils:

A-AromaticAromatic – Direct inhalation and cold vapor diffusing are the best aromatic uses of therapeutic-grade essential oils.  Our sense of smell is responsible for activating the center of the brain that determines our perception and feelings.  When essential oils are inhaled, the aroma travels across the olfactory nerve that triggers the limbic region of the brain that is responsible for controlling our moods, memories, and ability to learn.  When this region of the brain is stimulated positively, it releases endorphins, neurotransmitters, and other “feel good” chemicals in the body.


Topical – Most therapeutic-grade essential oils can be applied directly to the crown of the head, to the temples, behind the ears, over vital organs, to the feet, and many other places.  Seventeen minutes after applying an essential oil the skin it has absorbed in every cell in the body helping to oxygenate your blood.  If you have sensitive skin test 1 drop on the inside of your upper arm.  If there is going to be an irritation it should occur within 2 to 3 minutes and can be diluted with olive oil.  Never dilute with water as it may cause the irritation to worsen.  With their exotic aromas, many essential oils are worn as perfume or cologne.

I-Internal Ingestion – Much like vitamins and herbs therapeutic-grade essential oils can be taken orally as dietary supplements for their health benefits.  Essential oils are pure, which makes them powerful and effective.  Essential oils can be dropped into an empty gelatin capsule, on a piece of bread, onto a teaspoon of Blue Agave or directly under the tongue.  Recent research suggests that certain high Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity essential oils act as potent antioxidants that can potentially raise antioxidant levels in the body.

Ten Fun Facts About The Human Nose:

  1. It can distinguish more than 10,000 different scents
  2. It can remember over 50,000 different smells
  3. It has 5 million scent receptors
  4. Eighty percent of your taste comes from your sense of smell
  5. Babies know their mothers by their scent
  6. Women can generally smell more scents than men
  7. Smell is directly connected to the part of the brain responsible for memory
  8. People with a strong sense of smell is called hyperemia
  9. It has the best air filter in the world, with the hairs blocking germs and dust
  10. You cannot talk without inhaling through your nose

For the responsible use of essential oils, read the bottle label in its entirety and follow the recommended directions.   Check out my Blog for the essential oil being highlighted this month.
